90 Day Fit $599 $399

90 day fit

My 90-day Fit class is an intensive, in-person fitness program designed to help you lose body fat, build muscle, increase your strength, and improve your well-being.  I designed 90-Day Fit to help 10 people transform their body and mind.

90-Day Fit is intense because we are looking to achieve specific fitness goals within a three-month timeframe.  This program is for motivated and serious people who want to hit a specific goal.  These classes are a combination of strength training, muscle building, and cardio/conditioning.  Here’s an overview of what you should expect from my 90-Day Fit program:

1: Basic Information

Start Date/Time: Monday, 8/21/2023 at 10am
Days/Times: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 10am
Location: The Fitman Performance & Physique Center
Cost: $599 $399 per month if you sign up before 8/18/2023.  $599 per month if you sign up after 8/18/2023.
Class Size:  I’m looking for 10 serious people to participate in the program.  The program is capped at 10 total people who want to improve their health.

Sign Up For 90-Day Fit Here

2. Fitness Assessment:  Before starting 90-Day Fit, participants will answer specific questions to determine their current fitness level and set realistic goals for the program.

3. Intense Workout Routine: 90-Day Fit will include a workout routine that combines various exercises and activities. This may include circuit training, interval training, cardio/conditioning exercises (such as sprinting, indoor cycling, or pushing the Prowler), bodyweight exercises, and resistance training.

4. Group Atmosphere: Group settings create a motivating and supportive environment.  Participants can encourage and challenge each other to push their limits and achieve their fitness goals.

5. Qualified Instructors: I will be the initial trainer of 90-Day Fit.  If you have questions about my qualifications, you can find them here.  As 90-Day Fit evolves it would be led by other qualified personal trainers who guide participants through the exercises, provide demonstrations, and ensure proper exercise form to prevent injuries.

6. Progressive Overload: The program is designed to progressively increase the intensity of the workouts over time. This approach helps participants improve their fitness levels and avoid plateauing.

7. Nutritional Guidance: I will also give nutritional guidance to support participants in making healthy eating choices.  This program will not work without the participants committing to the dietary guidelines.  A balanced diet is essential for maximizing the results of this 90-Day fitness program.

8. Goal Tracking and Support: Throughout the 90 days, participants will have access to goal tracking tools and regular progress assessments to monitor their achievements.  Some of these tools would be progress photos, physical measurements, and performance improvements in the gym.  I, along with your fellow participants will provide support and motivation to help everyone stay committed to the program.

9. Adaptability:  The workouts can be adapted to accommodate different fitness levels, allowing participants to challenge themselves at their own pace.


No matter where you currently are in terms of fitness, my program can be scaled to meet you where you are.  Outside of training, I will also set-up your nutrition program.  Without following the proper nutrition plan, this program will not deliver the optimal results.

If you are one of the 10 people to sign up before Friday, 8/18/2023, you can sign up for the special monthly rate of $599 $399.  This is an incredible savings that is 33 percent off the regular rate of training with me.

The price will rise to $599 per month if you sign up after 8/18/2023.  Sign up below.

Sign Up For 90-Day Fit Here

I’ll holla at you soon.
The People’s Trainer,